13 October 2008

Saturday through Sunday 27 Sept - 5 Oct 2008

Neuschwanstein Castle

Mad KingLudwig’s homage to his muse, Wagner, this 19th century castle not only is the most photgraphed building in Germany, but was the inspiration for Walt Disney’s Cinderella Castle.

This was one of the sites on this trip I was looking most forward to seeing. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate as it rained during our excursion and we couldn’t take photos of its over-the-top interior.

But I was a man on a mission. As Amy, and most everyone else in our tour group, chose to find warmth and something to eat, I scrambled looking for “that perfect picture”. St. Mary’s bridge is located above the castle and was to be a perfect vantage point for taking such a photograph. I was off, bundled up as the temperatures dropped and precipitation fell I scoured up the mountain only to get…


Yes… seems the castle was undergoing renovations. So… see Pat? It’s not just you.

Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest

Built for Hitler as his 50th birthday gift, this chalet styled building sits high atop the German Alps. I expected more of the building itself actually… but the views from its location were spectacular.


The Nazi’s first concentration camp and the prototype for the rest of the camps. This was just a very sobering experience.
I’ll let the images do the work.

The overcast day highlighted the somber tone of the entire visit. It was almost fitting as the sky and the Memorial to the victims leave one with an almost haunted image.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fred's uncle owns a flat in town at the base of the Neuschwanstein Castle. We stayed there when we went to visit years ago and it is a sight to see. Your pictures are beautiful. Martha