21 August 2007

Saturday 18 August 2007

This next entry is not for the faint of heart. You have been warned.

After a late night, we got an early start, and one cannot visit Paris without seeing the Louvre… as opposed to the Louvre in Wisconsin. (OK… I couldn’t resist. I promise that will be the last quote from Hudson Hawk… today)

We were afforded a bonus as either the security guards were away for tea (or coffee or wine or whatever it is French security types drink on break) or it was “Take Your Photo with the Mona Lisa” Day. Typically, photos of the Mona Lisa are prohibited, but for whatever reason today it was open season, and we took advantage.

The rest of our visit was spent viewing other Renaissance era paintings (including the other Da Vinci works), the Greco-Roman sculptures (including the Venus de Milo), and the Egyptian artifacts room.

Following a far too brief visit (like all great collections you really need several days, not just an hour or two), we made our way over to the over 800 year old Gothic masterpiece of Notre Dame.

Since the queue for climbing the towers was close to two hours our visit was limited to just its interior, which of course was magnificent. Amy really enjoys all the grand cathedrals and has to be pulled from wanting to just sit in admiration from even many of the small side chapels

We next crossed the Seine over to the Latin Quarter near the Fountain of St. Michel for a late lunch enjoying yet another sidewalk meal.

Think we’re done?? Oh contraire.

Next was a visit to the Gardens of the Rodin Museum which includes several of his masterpieces, including The Thinker.

A quick walk and we were at the Hôtel des Invalides to view Napoleon’s Tomb which rests below its golden dome.

Yet another brisk walk and we reached the foot of the Eiffel Tower. No way were we going to wait in the queues at that time of day to try and go to the upper levels so we took the standard tourist photos and sampled some crepes from one of the local vendors near the Seine.

While our sight seeing was done for the day, we capped it all off by meeting up with Marty back near St. Michel and partook in what all proper tourists should try when visiting France: a few pints in an Irish Pub.

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