04 July 2007

Wednesday 04 July 2007

As Amy suns off the coast of Morocco with no telling how many jugs of sangria, I am left with exactly “how” to spend my 4th of July. Honestly… I hadn’t given it much thought until today, because here, in London, it’s just another Wednesday.

How did I celebrate?

By venturing into Grosvenor Square and sitting in the shadows of “our” American Embassy.

I also stopped by No. 3 St. James St. which was the site of the original Republic of Texas Embassy back in the day and marked by this plaque.

And honestly… if an American Expat were to have a pint in a pub on the day that commemorates his country’s independence… where do you think he might end up?

Thought so... because considering the UK’s present level of terrorist awareness, I didn’t think it was prudent to set off firecrackers or bottle rockets off of our balcony.

Happy Fourth of July everyone!!


Gary & Lisa Crespo said...

Amy & Ray,
It was a rainy 4th of July in Friendswood, but we had our 112 consecutive parade. Longest running 4th of July parade in Texas. We miss you guy's, but enjoy reading about your adventures.


Anonymous said...

June rain 7 inches, July rain so far, 6 inches.