30 July 2008

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Those that know me realize that I might obsess just a little bit.

One of my quirks concerning this blog is the cool little map located on the right hand margin, which shows the locale of visitors to this blog. Insomuch as I will view the blog from the airport lounge (Thanks to Amy's frequent flyer status) if we are flying from a city I know hasn't shown up.

It IS a tad misleading, in that, it shows the location of the user’s ISP and not their true "location".

Example: If I look at our blog from the office, which I NEVER do (much), the result is a hit from a Houston server even if I’m in London, because that is where our provider originates.

Another anomaly is that the blog is also available to Google/Yahoo searches which results in us being more popular in South America than I thought we would.

A few observations on my part.

I’m REALLY disappointed in the showing from the African nations, as well as, the “Stans” (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the like), so if you have any friends or relatives in the area. Send them our way.

Also… I’m not quite sure why the largest “dot” (signifying the most visits) is located in the center of the U.S. My initial guess would have been Houston or London.

Maybe it’s NORAD checking out my whereabouts and pub activities.


Anonymous said...

The high volume on Central US hits might be related to the location of significant Internet gateways-Level 3/Sprint/ATT/Comcast handign off traffic at the core hosting center(s) that might manipulte the site data. Just a thought, not sure if really matters but this could give you something more to obsess about. BTW, I am putting some company on the plane for you this PM-enjoy them.

R-ROD said...

Thanks for the explanation...I was wondering why my global colleagues would end up with a dot in a different location than where they reside. In any case, I agree.. no representation from Africa...guess not many gateways there.