06 March 2007

Friday 02 March 2007

Today we visited the trade islands of Murano and Burano by catching the “vaporetti” (water bus… or big boat) from Venice. Murano is the sight of all the shops where hand made blown glassware is produced. Let’s just say… Amy made out like a bandit. Among her purchases was a chandelier to build her new dining room around once we get back to the states; because everyone KNOWS the first thing a house needs is a chandelier.

Burano is known for producing hand made lacework. This made it handy for Amy to buy a lace tablecloth for her dining room table that will go under her new chandelier. It is also a very scenic village. All the homes and buildings are painted different bright colours and honestly… is what I though Venice would look like. Very “postcard” picturesque. It is also the home for the church, St. Martin Bishop whose bell tower leans at 5 degrees like the tower in Pisa.

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