12 January 2007

Thursday 11 January 2007

This post is dedicated to our good friend Sheryl M.

So tonight Amy and I went to the London Palladium, one of the premier West End theatres, to see Andrew Lloyd Webber’s production of The Sound of Music. Amy loved it, and I really enjoyed the technical aspects of watching the live stage effects.

How-EVER… The memories of the evening (for me) were of the people around us. We had decent seats in the Royal Circle and after locating them, settled in for the show. Amy sat to my left. On my right was one… how should I say… rather LARGE gentlemen. One of those guys that needs one and a half seats, and unfortunately for me I got to share that extra half seat with him. At least he wasn’t sweaty.

On Amy’s left was a lovely British lady that saw fit not only to sing along to most songs (poorly at that), but stomp her foot to the music. Yes… not tap, but stomp. If it were only that, it might have been tolerable, but it was her choice of “Eau de Edelweiss” perfume that made Amy’s night.

During the intermission, my seat buddy gets up allowing me to enjoy the full price of my ticket if only for a moment, so I spread out a bit. As Amy and I begin comparing notes on each other’s “neighbor” I couldn’t help but notice something. In the row in front of me, there was an elderly, frizzy haired lady bent over the back of her chair with her head right between my legs.

I couldn’t help but blurt out, “HEL-loo??”, as I sat upright giving her all the room she needed. Seems she lost her eyeglasses, but for the life of me I can’t figure out she thought they ended up BEHIND her and between my legs.

The General Public. Ya' gotta love 'em (or hate 'em).

I want it made perfectly clear that when Ray gave me the evil eye during "My Favorite Things" - it was NOT me singing! The show was great and I'll see it again with anyone who is interested.

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