01 December 2006

Thursday 23 November 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Turkey kebob anyone?

For shear “wow” factor today was the day. I thought it would be Giza and the Sphinx, but today we visited the temples to Ramses II and Queen Nefertari in Abu-Simbel. Taking the turn around the hillside and seeing the four huge statues of Ramses II hewn from the Cliffside cannot be described. Again… photos do this no justice. Equally impressive was the temple to Nefertari.

Inside the hillside temples (unfortunately, no camera were allowed) was even more awe inspiring as the reliefs have kept their painted colours more so than any other site.

A quick lunch and we then had our “felucca” (a Nile river sail boat) trip. Just a little one hour cruise giving us a sample of local things.

Tonight was our “galabeya” night, where we dressed up in traditional Egyptian clothes and ate traditional Egyptian food. I finally got to try falafels. Not quite sure what I expected, but that wasn’t it. Afterwards, there was dancing, games and drinks. It was neat watching the crew have fun, as men have no problem dancing amongst themselves. Mohammed, our chef (for the record the food on this trip was awesome… I think I gain back most of the weight I had lost while in London), was the best dancer of the lot.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this pic! We've really enjoyed your blog!

Susan and Twigg

Anonymous said...

Will have to reserve comment for later! :-)