01 December 2006

Saturday 25 November 2006

After docking back in Luxor, we spend the whole morning touring the West Bank. There were not a lot of photo opportunities as cameras are not allowed in the tombs. The outsides of the tombs at The Valley of the Kings are very non-descript and are hidden amongst the cliffs. Inside, however, is something else as the walls and ceilings have kept most of the original colours.

Restrictions only allow us to visit 3 tombs and Sonia suggests two with the most vibrant artwork and one that has a cool deeeeeep passage to enter. Amy has recovered somewhat from the previous day, but politely declines the opportunity to crouch down the small opening of the last tomb.

Next was a visit to the Temple of Queen Hatshepsut, the first female pharaoh. Her temple is different from the rest as it incorporates several terraces and contrasting colonnades that seem to be carved directly into the mountainside behind.

After visiting two more tombs at the Valley of the Queens and a quick stop at the Colossi of Memnon, two huge seated statues, we also visit an alabaster factory.

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