18 September 2006

Sunday 17 September 2006

It is simply amazing what one can stumble across here. While riding my bike through the city (stopping at the big landmarks for a photo-op w/ Stella) I stumbled across a political protest near Parliament. I’m sure this probably happens all the time much like organized protests in D.C., but this was my first.

Also stopped by The Thames River Festival which was basically a large street party with art vendors and live music on several stages. The BIG news is I went to the Sports CafĂ© to watch NFL games last night. Fun stuff as there was a large rowdy crowd watching 3 different games. Seems the majority of the place turned out to be Philly fans as they all showed the rest of us how well they could spell. E – A – G – L – E – S!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear the contraband made it through safely. We had discussed at dinner the other night with AMy and she was unsure it woud all make it.

Enjoy traveling with Stella, Lesley did it a few years ago and Paula & I got to take our visitor to the SNL stage and do Weekend Update set with Stanley.

Looking forward to wings, even if I have to pony up for part of the meal.