09 July 2006

Saturday 8 July 2006

On a whim we decided to go to the theatre district again tonight, so after a bike ride this morning I went to the half-price ticket office. My initial choice of The Rocky Horror Show wasn’t available, so I purchased tickets for Les Miserables (I think I just showed my cultural preferences).

Amy found it wonderful and very moving, and while the set was visually stimulating, I now can relate to George Costanza as I just… can’t… get …that song out of my head. “Master of the house... Keeper of the inn... “


Anonymous said...

I finally visited your site and read it start to finish. I feel like I just got back from vacation and need a rest. Ray, I think your second calling may be a tour guide, your description of places and events is incredible. Keep up the good work, Stephen

Anonymous said...

Hi Ray and Amy.......Lisa sent us this web site and I have enjoyed reading it. The pictures add so much to the commentary and I've downloaded some of them to my slide show. Judy and Mel Elbers